Saturday, April 24, 2010

Have you read any TEEN AUTHORS Lately?

Have you teen readers and writers out there considered reading some of the newly published teen authors out there? Here are a few of the teenage authors you can find in Pinellas County Libraries:

Jennifer Lynn Barnes wrote Golden, a psychological thriller, when she was 19 years old. Here’s the story: When her family moves to Oklahoma from California, high school sophomore Lissy uses her ability to see other people's auras to try to uncover and stop the sinister activities of a teacher at her new school.

Christopher Paolini wrote his first draft of Eragon at age 15, and published it at age 18. You can find out more about him and his books at
His website says, “The idea of Eragon began as the daydreams of a teen. Christopher’s love for the magic of stories led him to craft a novel that he would enjoy reading. The project began as a hobby, a personal challenge; he never intended it to be published. All the characters in Eragon are from Christopher's imagination except Angela the herbalist, who is loosely based on his sister.”

Catherine Banner started writing The Eyes of a King when she was 14 after being inspired by CS Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The story is based on teenager Leo North who lives in the magical world of Malonia and discovers a blank book which leads him to the strange world of Earth, and she has completed a trilogy related to the original novel .

Hannah Moskowitz is a 19 year old Literary Arts major at Brown University whose website says she’s “afraid of escalators, hates camping, is a picky eater... likes milk more than water, summer more than winter, Blue more than red, Love more than hate.” Her book, Break is about a teen on a mission to break every bone in his body to cope with the stresses of home, girls, and the world on his shoulders. Break tells of a self-destructive spiral to rock-bottom, and of learning to accept help and find recovery.

If you read any of these please share your review with other ELCL teens! E-mail .

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

East Lake Community Library Teen Book Lovers!

Welcome to the EXCITING new home for ELCL Teen Readers!  Thank you for visiting us!  We have asked some of our EXTREME readers to tell us about what they have read.  With the busy schedules everyone keeps maybe these experts can give you some advice on what to read next.
Go to the "NEW REVIEWS" page to see what they have to say.............